Mathura train derailment: In a startling event, a train originating from Delhi lost track, derailing onto a platform at Mathura Junction. The incident occurred on Tuesday evening and involved an Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU) train. Thankfully, no casualties resulted from the mishap, as reported by PTI. However, the train’s engine caused damage to a section of the platform as well as an electric pole. Multiple news outlets shared footage displaying the train’s engine perilously close to the station’s signage.

The EMU’s journey came to an abrupt halt as it ascended onto platform 2A and collided with the electric pole. SK Srivastava, the director of the railway station, provided some insights. He shared that the train had embarked from Shakur Basti. Significantly, by the time of the derailment, all passengers had already alighted.

Prompted by the unexpected accident, railway officials have announced an in-depth inquiry into the events that transpired.

As per the details provided by railway authorities, the train made its scheduled arrival at Mathura Junction at 10:49 PM. Following the departure of all passengers, the train unexpectedly lurched forward, finding its way onto platform 2A, only coming to rest post its collision with the electric pole. In the ensuing chaos, a female bystander experienced an electric shock but received immediate first aid.

The aftermath of the incident saw damage to platform 2A, leading to restrictions on train movements from that particular section. However, normalcy reigns on other tracks, with train operations proceeding without interruption.

This incident closely follows another recent railway event that could have culminated in tragedy. In West Bengal, a young 12-year-old named Mursalin Seikh played a pivotal role in averting a significant railway disaster. Demonstrating exceptional presence of mind, Mursalin used his red shirt as a makeshift signal for an oncoming passenger train. Noticing his desperate signals, the train’s loco-pilot promptly applied the emergency brakes, narrowly avoiding a catastrophic accident.

Elaborating on the incident, Sabyasachi De, Chief Public Relations Officer of the Northeast Frontier Railway, praised Mursalin’s quick thinking. He noted that Mursalin, whose father is a migrant laborer from a neighboring village, was at the Bhaluka road yard with railway personnel. Upon spotting a section of rain-compromised track, Mursalin, alongside the railway staff, alerted the approaching train, potentially saving countless lives.

The quick reflexes of Mursalin and the vigilance of the loco-pilot undoubtedly prevented a tragedy, showcasing the invaluable role of alertness and community effort in ensuring public safety.


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