Shah Rukh Khan, King of Bollywood, stirred controversy with a remark directed at Telugu actor Ram Charan, spoken in gibberish Telugu, including the word 'idli.'...
Shah Rukh Khan, King of Bollywood, stirred controversy with a remark directed at Telugu actor Ram Charan, spoken in gibberish Telugu, including the word...
Nagpur (Maharashtra) September 7: The AICPE Education Excellence Awards 2024 brought together India’s top educators in a spectacular celebration of talent, dedication,...
Nagpur (Maharashtra) September 7: The AICPE Education Excellence Awards 2024 was a dazzling evening celebrating the dedication and contributions of educators from...
Hyderabad (Telangana) , September 9: In a resplendent celebration of excellence and innovation, Dr. Srinivas Naik Dharavath, Chairman of Realvision Homes Pvt Ltd, was...
Hyderabad (Telangana) , September 9: In a resplendent celebration of excellence and innovation, Dr. Srinivas Naik Dharavath, Chairman of Realvision Homes Pvt Ltd, was...