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Relan’s Legal: Redefining Legal Solutions for the Modern Era

Adv.V.Relan is founder of Relan’s Legal  a multi practice Law Firm. He is a Successful Lawyer with offices in Delhi and NCR .He is...

Exploring the Cosmos: A Journey with Kumar Joshi’s Astroworld

"Maharashtra Ratna 2023, a coveted honor akin to YouTube's Silver Button award, celebrates exemplary individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the cultural and...

Nachiketa Tuteja is a seasoned hospitality professional with over 12 years’ experience in 12 countries, under his belt.

His primary expertise has been in pioneering sustainability in hospitality. Before returning to India for good, Nachiketa spearheaded sustainability for a leading global hotel company,...

“Anindita Gupta: Illuminating India’s Media Landscape with 18 Years of PR & Marketing Prowess”

Anindita Gupta, a luminary in Public Relations & Marketing with an 18-year journey, wields profound insight into India's media landscape. Her path started at...
