The designer infuses her own personal beliefs of sustainability into creating the awareness that saree blouse shouldn’t come at the cost of just buying or spending capacity.

“ I hope that the consumers of the world realise that just for the sake of fashion, you cannot stock your wardrobe with just anything,” says vaishali shah.

Vaishali shah is synonymous with sustainable Indian fashion and for good reason. However, what sets her brand apart from the rest is the holistic approach to sustainability she leads with. From introducing modern sustainable blouse designs  for indian saree and reusing initiatives to focusing on social sustainability, the brand touches upon several aspects of sustainable fashion and business.

The brand, launched in 2015, today plays a hand in empowering numerous women and artisans through its work . The company has also helped set up  tailoring units in rural areas of kutch where tribal women are trained to make garments, in turn acting as a stepping stone to creating livelihood opportunities. But according to the designer, empowering women has a much bigger impact than just the direct opportunities. “I have always believed that women are a tool that can bring change in this nation.

“It’s all about taking small steps towards sustainability,” she says, adding that consumers need to educate themselves and be more aware of where their fashion is coming from if they want to create a better world for themselves !!


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