“Like a fiery flame lilting a sweet cadence, she sways with her mellifluent voice conferred on her by the Divine. She is the healer of the world, therapist of the grieved and profound mystic for the mankind.”

Ms Leena Yashpaul

Ms Leena Yashpaul is the founder and director of ‘Leena Heals’ – Centre of Spiritual Alchemy and Psychic healing. She is versatile and dynamic World Class Classical celebutante bestowed with extraordinary charism gifts of healing the world with her deep insight into emotions, intuitive reading, occult expertise, quantum psychics healing, Lama- Fera expertise and Naad yoga expert which can only be acquired by an expert in the field. Her spiritual insight and innate faculties claim to transcend the usual constraints of distance, space and time. As a single parent, she symbolizes a storm that can make create ripples in the water. She has been a mother and a father to her only daughter, who has emulated her mother’s qualities of Head & Heart.

Embarking on a three-decade journey, she has triumphantly established herself as an accomplished educator and has transformed lives of many, both in India and across the Globe. Driven by Self-awareness and impeccable integrity, she has genuine love and compassion for everyone around her. Her philanthropic attitude and her intent to contribute to the welfare of the society specially the underprivileged women and children is praise worthy. She has relentlessly worked to educate the deprived women and children and help them acquire the basic learning competencies to march ahead in life. Selfless and pure like a Mother’s love, Ms. Leena leaves no stone unturned to help others grow and progress in life and is fondly addressed as Leena Maa by them.

The very well-known Grand Master Leena has many humanitarian accomplishments inspired by her altruistic spirit and a glimpse at her phenomenal achievements define her sterling qualities:

  • She is a hardcore philanthropist and has healed and transformed lives of impoverished children, the grieved masses and those affected by drug abuse by her psychic spiritual healing and genuine love and care.
  • Contributing her valuable services for Road Safety Awareness, she has designed and launched a pilot project ‘Fatality Free Fridays’ and ‘The Road Royals’ in collaboration with Chandigarh Administration, Education Dept and Chandigarh Traffic Police. Ms. Yashpaul has been felicitated for her pilot projects by UT Home Secy Mr. Anil Kumar, Shri Shrivastava, IG Police and Shri Alok Kumar, DIG.
  • Her services to the mankind in the field Psychic and Spiritual healing has won her the prestigious award of ‘Women’s Conclave’ presented to her by DCP Metro Sh. Jatinder Mani Tripathi for being the ‘Best Psychic Healer and Tarot Expert’.
  • Breaking the conventional barriers, Ms. Leena has always won accolades for achieving the impossible. Her valorous, confident and fearless demeanor has conferred upon her the honorary title of ‘The First Lady Marshal’ by Chandigarh Traffic Police in the year 2012.

Ms. Leena Yashpaul’s remarkable achievements and services are so laudable that they can never go unrecognized. The long list of Awards and coveted Titles amply testify to her relentless passion and zeal for human happiness and wellbeing.

  • Crowned with ‘The NEW Horizon’s ‘ award by Chandigarh traffic police in the year 2012.
  • Awarded with the title’ The Powerful Woman’ in the year 2021 by Shri Sourabh Bhardwaj, Minister of Health of New Delhi.
  • ‘India’s Inspirational Woman 2021’ Award was conferred upon Ms. Leena Yashpaul in presence of Dr Kiran Bedi, the honorable Former Lt Gov of Puducherry.
  • She has been entitled with ‘ The International Icon Award’ by Kites Crafts Production for the year 2023, for which the felicitation ceremony is likely to be conducted shortly.

Behind her phenomenal success and popularity is the priceless heritage that she proudly inherits from her reputed and illustrious family well known throughout the Nation in the field of Arts and Music. Her success is counted sweetest when her clients across the globe in the field of Politics, Medicine, Law, Education, Engineering services and Corporate World express their gratitude to her for helping them rise, progress and know their life’s true calling.


Her manifold psychic and spiritual therapies, her expertise in fortune telling, intuitive power in Aura reading, her communion with the Unknown and Unseen, Art of coffee cup reading, Lama -Fera expertise and her skill of occult arts are astounding and beyond human’s imagination and belief. The immense power and effectiveness of her Shabar Mantras have the potential to change lives. The esoteric and predictive modalities being taught by her for more than two decades have helped students earn certification and carve their niche in this domain transforming lives for the better. She is a lease of hope for all those who long for an Anchor to attain peace, contentment and purpose of life. Divine Maa Leena has always blazed a new trail for all who are lost and groping to find a way and a hope in their lives. It will be surely a life time experience to witness the miracles of her spiritual and psychic healing and avail her services to learn various forms of healing techniques.
Ms. Leena embarks upon the journey to make lives of people better, happier and healthier than ever before. Committed and dedicated, she is certainly the Harbinger of love, care, compassion and empathy in the World of distress apathy, turmoil and confusion. She is the ambassador of holistic, wholesome and harmonious life.

‘The real voyage of discovery consisTs noT in seeking new landscapes buT having new eyes’


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